Friday 19 November 2021

Finding Books on the shelf at the Marshall Library .... "And other locations..." Xmas Tip Number 1

 The shelfmark system at the Marshall Library is a very straightforward running number system. Go to the catalogue iDiscover ( and search Cambridge Libraries Collections  using  keywords from the title and the author's name e.g. Churchill Nigel Knight

You will see that iDiscover tells you: 2 versions of the record exist. See all versions >

Click on the message and you will see two options - an ebook, which is shown as Online access in green and a print copy which says:

Available at Gonville & Caius College Upper Library and other locations >

Click on this... it does not mean that the book is only at Gonville & Caius College. Clicking here opens up an alphabetical list, where you will find the Marshall Library under 'M'  in that list!

Here you can see that we have 7 copies of the book and they are shelved at 13 A 33

Go to the shelves and find number 13, following the running number round the Reading Room. Look at 13 under letter A and you will find all these copies at number 33.

Then just take the book to the Issue Desk to borrow the book!